Alex Gulkarov, holds a Master’s Degree in Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has an experience in various fields in pharmaceutical industry, including:
Project leader in research and development of antibiotic products
Director of laboratories for the provision of microbiological services
Director and Subject Matter Expert in microbiology and sterile production
Senior Quality Auditor in a global pharmaceutical company
Consultant to pharmaceutical manufacturers in Israel and around the world
Alex voluntarily joined OPMD to support and assist in raising awareness of the disease among the population at-risk.
Amos Yogev
Amos Yogev is a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University and holds also a master’s degree in clinical social work from Yeshiva University, New York. Concomitantly to farming plantations of dates, lemons and mangoes, Amos worked as a psychotherapist at a family therapy clinic in the Galilee. Amos became acquainted with OPMD by meeting with people who had the disease, and was impressed by the physical, emotional and social consequences of the disease as well as by the negative impact on the quality of life of the patients and their families. Amos attributes a great importance for promotion of treatment and cure of OPMD and is thankful for the opportunity of taking part in this non-profit organization.
Prof. Alex Zvulunov
Alex Zvulunov is a pediatric dermatologist, clinician, teacher and clinical researcher. He studied medicine at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. He completed residencies in Pediatrics and Dermatology and completed a fellowship in Pediatric Dermatology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. He also holds a degree in health administration (MHA) from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and is an Associate Professor in Dermatology and Pediatrics at the Faculty of Heath Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
During 1998-2004 he was a director of the department of Pediatrics at Yseftal Hospital, Eilat and was a chairman of the department of Dermatology at Soroka University Medical Center during 2017-2020. Currently he practices Pediatric Dermatology in his private clinic and serves as a medical advisor for bio-pharma and HealthTec companies.
Alex Zvulunov experienced a very challenging care of relatives with OPMD. Following the challenges derived from a lack of awareness of the disease as well as its treatment options and prevention of complications among patients and medical staff alike, he decided to establish a corporation for the public benefit dedicated to the treatment and cure of the OPMD.
Dr. Arie Metzker
Is a pediatrician and dermatologist who has been engaged in promoting the health and treatment of OPMD following acquaintances with people who have suffered from the disease. After studying humanities at the Hebrew University, Arie studied medicine at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. After graduating from the medical school – he specialized in pediatrics in Baltimore, USA and on his return to Israel he worked as a senior pediatrician at the Emek Hospital, Afula, and later as the director of the department of pediatrics at Yoseftal Hospital, Eilat. Arye is the founder of pediatric dermatology in Israel and educated a generation of pediatric dermatologists, including Prof. Alex Zvulunov – one of the founders of this NPO.
Jenny Friedman-Lubaro
Jenny Friedman-Lubarov is a married family woman with two children.
Jenny is a graduate of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy from Gordon College, Haifa, and holds an MA in Special Education from Derby University in Israel, Haifa.
Jenny has worked for the Ministry of Education for over 12 years, currently in charge of education in the fields of science, technology, sustainability and health at a school in Afula.
Jenny’s involvement in health care promotion and treatment of OPMD is driven by a sense of mission and a desire to promote a cure for the disease her grandmother’s family members that suffered from the disease.
Dr. Boris Shamai
Dr. Boris Shamai is a graduate of the Faculty of Pediatrics of Tashkent University, Uzbekistan. In 1990 he immigrated to Israel with his family. In Israel he was accepted as a pediatrician at Clalit Health Services and later completed a residency in pediatrics at Schneider Hospital, Petah Tikva. Since 2000, he works as a specialist in pediatrics in community clinics in Maccabi Health Services. Boris volunteers at OPMD non-profit organization to raise awareness of the disease among the at-risk population and promote cure for this disease
Пнина Симхаевa
Пнина Симхаевa замужeм за Моше и является матерью пятерых детей, Пнина окончила Колледж Делового Администрирования по специальности бухгалтер и налоговый консультант, Более 14 лет она работает финансовым бухгалтером в туристическом агентстве в Раанане, которая считается одной из старейших компаний на рынке въездного туризма в Израиль, специализирующаяся на туризме для паломников со всего мира, Пнина несет знамя помощи, привнося дух общественного добровольчества во все области. Более 8 лет она была председателем родительского комитета. У нее есть горячее желание продвинуться помочь обществу в целом.